Academic offer

Our teachers are passionate about their subjects, and we have designed a curriculum that will enable you to succeed at the highest levels. There will be six hours of learning time for each subject you choose for A Level, including small group supervisions with your teacher so you can receive high-quality, in-depth feedback that is specific to you.

At Reach Academy Sixth Form we offer both highly academic pathways  (A Levels) and rigorous vocational pathways (BTECs). Both pathways facilitate progression to competitive university courses, apprenticeships and employment options.

You will choose three A Level subjects or 1 BTEC course to study during your time at Reach Academy Sixth Form. This decision will be based on your aspirations, interests and achievements in your GCSEs. All courses are significantly more challenging than GCSEs, and therefore we have high academic entry requirements.

Sixth formers conversing

A Level subjects are linear, which means that you’ll take all your exams at the end of Year 13. BTEC courses involve both assignments throughout the course and examination elements.

In order to succeed in rigorous academic or vocational study, you’ll be expected to complete independent learning for each subject every week. The purpose of this independent learning will be to consolidate classroom knowledge, practise exam skills and prepare for your next lessons. Your teachers will mark your work and discuss it with you in your one:one and small group tutorials.

A Level and BTEC courses require you to think critically and work independently. You’ll be expected to use analytical skills, alongside adept technological expertise, to maximise your learning and your impact on the world. To support you with this, we’ve designed a unique Reach Scholar Studies course that will equip you with knowledge and skills for Post-16 study and beyond. The course includes topics such as: I.T. skills, research skills, presentation skills and critical consideration of academic arguments.

Alongside the academic curriculum, you’ll also have the opportunity to choose a from a wide range of ‘Electives’ that will add depth and breadth to your Reach Academy Sixth Form experience. Our staff have chosen all sorts of electives that they are passionate about, from Middle Eastern Studies to Photography, Astronomy to designing your own political campaign. These electives will give you a springboard from which to undertake an Extended Project Qualification (worth an AS Level), which can further support your university application.

The table below explains our curriculum offer from September 2019.

More information on our 16-19 study programme requirements is here,



Further Mathematics


Biology *

Chemistry *

Physics *

Psychology *

Humanities / English

English Literature*




Philosophy, Religion and Ethics


French *

Spanish *


Art and Design


BTEC Health and Social Care

BTEC Business Studies

BTEC Extended Music Diploma in collaboration with ELAM

Entry Requirements

* 6 x Grade 6s or above, including English and Maths with 7s in the subjects that you wish to study and for BTEC 6 x Grade 5 or above including 6s in English and Maths.

* Minimum Grade 7 in the subject you wish to study. You can find out more about what you need for each subject on our website.

ELAM Collaboration
Wider Learning